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Busy executive caring for aging parents

Boardroom Burnout: Alzheimer’s, Aging Parents, And The Impact On Busy Executives

The challenges faced by today’s business owners and entrepreneurs are taking on an added dimension as they grapple with the increasing demands of caregiving for aging parents.

With the World Health Organization reporting that the global population aged 60 and older is set to double by 2050, the intricacies of balancing a demanding career with the complex needs of aging parents are becoming more and more relevant.

The Alzheimer’s Association has reported that more than 6 million Americans were living with Alzheimer’s in 2021, a figure projected to rise to nearly 13 million by 2050.

The disease, which requires extensive long-term care, adds an additional layer of stress for executives who are managing both their professional obligations and the responsibility of caring for  their elderly parents.

The struggle to balance these responsibilities involves numerous challenges.

First and foremost is time management, as both, work and elder care are pressing commitments that often conflict.

The demands of caring for elderly parents with Alzheimer’s in particular, are unpredictable and can clash with business travel plans, deadlines, and team management tasks…

In short, It’s a work-life balance nightmare!

Long-distance caregiving adds to this complexity, since many executives are living far from their aging parents.

Although technology has helped, older adults may resist digital solutions. And when Alzheimer’s is part of the equation, this resistance is often compounded by the cognitive challenges associated with the disease.

Beyond these logistical challenges, there are also deep emotional struggles .

Fear for a parent’s health and safety, guilt over not being physically present, and frustration with managing these competing demands can be overwhelming.

The specter of the parent’s potential decline or passing is an ever-present shadow looming over both personal and professional life.

Yet despite these obstacles, there are viable and practical solutions for executives to ensure their elderly parents, particularly those with Alzheimer’s, receive the care they need:

Leveraging Technology: Several platforms now specialize in remote patient monitoring and communication.

These tools, many of which are tailored to be user-friendly for seniors, can bridge the gap for those living at a distance from their parents. This technology is especially valuable for monitoring the progressive symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

Even something as simple as installing CCTV systems can drop your stress level considerably.

Hiring Professional Help: In-home care providers can give medical care and assistance with activities of daily living, essential for seniors living with AD.

This solution offers peace of mind for the executive and reliable care for the parent.

Adult day care centers also provide another great option, offering seniors health care services along with social interaction.

Leveraging Caregiver Resources: Many nonprofits and community organizations offer resources for caregiver support, including respite care, counseling, and support groups.

These resources can help manage the emotional toll of caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s.

I’ll add some of these as resources at the bottom of this article.

Early and open conversations about living options, and end-of-life care are also crucial, particularly in the context of Alzheimer’s disease.

Legal tools, such as power of attorney and advanced healthcare directives, should be considered to ensure the parent’s wishes are carried out.

Executives may also find value in counseling or coaching to learn stress management techniques and strategies for maintaining work-life balance.

Such interventions can aid in managing these complex roles and alleviating anxiety.

The challenges of managing a demanding career alongside the care of an elderly parent, especially one suffering from Alzheimer’s, are significant, but totally doable.

As long as you leverage the tools, long term care support groups, and keep a positive and problem solving mindset.

The help you need is all around you!

With technology, professional caregiver services, and community resources, it is possible to find the right balance and avoid compromising on areas in our life that should have equal priorities.

Seeking help is not a sign of weakness or ignorance; but rather a testament to your commitment to both: a well deserved career success and your devotion to aging parents and loved ones.


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