Providing Exceptional Home Care Services in the Miami Florida area for over 20 years!

How To Get Free Home Care Services if You Are a Veteran and Spouse

a 2 minute read… Did you know as a Veteran or Surviving Spouse you may be eligible to receive between $1,149 and $2,120 per month of home care service benefits with zero cost to you! If there’s a group of citizens that deserve every ounce of help, respect, and care from our Government and other […]

Why it’s Totally Ok To Shamelessly Lie, Cajole, and Steal From Your Elderly Parents

…a one minute read I asked you a few posts ago to “forget logic” with a parent suffering from Alzheimer’s or Dementia …didn’t I? We all know that lying and stealing are generally bad things, and you are right, under normal circumstances telling lies is pretty much a bad personal policy in general. Except, there’s nothing normal […]

How To Sneak Up On Alzheimer’s Disease By Doing Smart Planning

a 2 minute read… I don’t think the WHY one needs to properly plan for this devastating disease is any longer debated or doubted, rather the HOW becomes the central hub of both debate and action around this topic. However if you are still questioning why you may need to prepare for future Alzheimer’s care […]

My Mother Doesn’t Know Who I am!

This is going to be a tough one guys… there’s no easy way out or around it, only through it. As Dementia percolates through your Mom’s brain, it systematically destroys everything in its path, every cell containing every memory, and every memory linking to precious moments …until it eventually gets to those neurons where memories […]

Living with Dementia -6 Tips for Caregivers

…a 3 min read Caregiving for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia it’s like an Iron Man race you can’t train for, and where tempo and speed shift on you with no heads up, warning, and you have to be ready. Needless to say caregiving for someone with dementia will either evolve you as […]

How To Deal With An Exceptionally Difficult Parent

…a 2 minute read Before we start let me make this point first… EMPATHY (…the rare ability some humans possess to walk in someone else’s shoes) will always, always be your most effective weapon against the negativity, toxicity, anger, and personal attacks that may come your way from an elderly parent or a loved one you’re caring for.

How To Easily Upgrade Your Home and Make it Safer as You Age

…a one minute read Let me start by saying you don’t need to hire a contractor to remodel your home in order to make it senior friendly and safe. Making your home a safer environment for a aging parent, or even for yourself is just smart thinking, and to do it the way I’m going […]

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